Our Voluntary Commitments & Compliance.
CHEMASSIST’s primary objective is to produce high performance products, whilst making the working environment as safe as possible, and to reduce the public risk of acid attacks. We DO NOT supply any chemical substances or products that contain:
• Sulphuric Acid
• Sodium Hydroxide
• Hydrochloric Acid
• Ammonium Hydroxide
• Sodium Hypochlorite
Where applicable we conform with all Government Acts and Regulations with regards to the supply of corrosive substances to individuals under the age of 18. Chemassist primarily supply only business-to-business, but still reserve the right to apply Challenge 21/25 age verification procedures should we have any doubt as to an individual purchaser’s age.
General Product Safety.
Our products have been designed to be easily and safely used when applied in accordance with the MSDS/COSHH safety data information supplied. This safety data information gives full guidance on our products safe usage.
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/COSHH).
For all on-line purchases, the MSDS/COSHH data sheets are sent by email prior to the product’s shipment. Continued guidance on each product’s safe and correct method of application is also described on the product’s labelling. To request the MSDS for a product please CONTACT US.
Risk Assessment & Method Statement Templates.
We offer free and editable Risk Assessment and Method Statement Templates for all of our products. These can be easily completed and fashioned to match the Health & Safety requirements of your individual workplace and maintenance team.
Staff Training.
STAFF TRAINING in best practice procedures and product use is also available. For further information please CONTACT US.